The Animals In The Epipelagic Zone


The epipelagic zone is the upper zone of the ocean consisting of 90% of marine life, let’s discover it and the animals that live in the epipelagic zone. Where Is The Epipelagic Zone Located: This is the upper ocean layers starting from the surface to up to 200 meters where organic material and the food […]

A Deep Look To The Hadalpelagic Zone

hadalpelagic zone

The hadal zone, known as the hadalpelagic zone located below The Bathypelagic zone is the deepest part of the ocean lying in ocean trenches with V-shaped depressions. Depth And Specifications Of The Hadalpelagic Zone: The depth range of the hadal zone starts from 6000 meters to up to 11000 meters (which James Cameroon reached in […]

A Closer Look at the Bathypelagic Zone


The Bathypelagic zone is a part of the ocean, just below the Mesopelagic Zone and above the abyssopelagic zone; starting from depths between 1000 meters to up to 4000 meters. It’s also known as the midnight zone due to the lack of light! Depth and Characteristics Of Bathypelagic Zone: The temperature here is 14°C with […]

The Animals Living In The Mesopelagic Zone

animals in the mesopelagic zone

It never comes to mind if there is animals living in the mesopelagic zone also get this question! But First: What Is the Mesopelagic Zone? The Mesopelagic Zone (known also as the twilight zone) is the ocean layer(part) starting from 200 meters depth to up to 1000 meters. Here, light is insufficient for photosynthesis. This […]